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useAsyncValidationuseCollectionuseFielduseFormuseMultipleFormuseSelectoruseValidationArgumentsReturnsBasic usage
Material UI - React Select


useValidation(functions: Array) provides the validation logic to any Field.

const [status, validation] = useValidation([fn1, fn2, ...fnN])


functions: array

  • A validation function is a pure function which receives the field value and checks whether the value is valid or not, returning undefined or null if it is valid, or a string with some custom message if it is not valid.


(validationProps): array

An array that holds:

  • status: object

    A plain object that holds a prop named error. The value of error might be "undefined", if all validation functions have passed the validation with success, or a "string" if one of the validation functions returns an error message.

  • validationAttr: object

    A plain object which contains all the props that must be spread to the field.

Basic usage

import { Form, Input, useValidation } from 'usetheform'
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