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useAsyncValidationuseCollectionuseFieldArgumentsReturnsBasic usageReducersValidationuseFormuseMultipleFormuseSelectoruseValidation
Material UI - React Select


useField(options: Object) allows custom input primitives to be built.

const fieldInputProps = useField(options)


options: object

  • type: string

    • Strings accepted: W3schools Input Types - "select" - "custom"
  • name: string

    • A field's name in Usetheform state.
    • If your Field is rendered within a <Collection array />, name is not allowed as a prop.
  • index: string

    • A field's index in an array Collection.
    • index is only allowed if your Field is rendered within a <Collection array /> .
  • value: string | number | object (only for type="custom")

    • Specifies the initial value of an input element.
  • checked: boolean

    • Specifies whether an input element should be pre-selected or not (for type="checkbox" or type="radio").
    • Default value of false.
  • multiple: boolean

    • Valid only when type="select".
    • When present, it specifies that multiple options can be selected at once.
    • Default value of false.
  • touched: boolean

    • A field that has been touched/visited.
    • Default value of false.
    • If true, validation messages (sync and async) will be shown only when the event onBlur of the field is triggered by a user action.
  • reducers: array | function

    • An array whose values correspond to different reducing functions.
    • Reducer functions specify how the Input's value changes.
    (nextValue, prevValue, formState) => nextValue


(FieldInputProps): object

  • An object that holds all the attributes of a field.

Basic usage

const CustomInput = props => {
const fieldInputProps = useField({
type: "text",
name: "simple",
value: "foo"
return <input {...fieldInputProps} />;
const CustomField = ({ name, initialValue = { a: "2" } }) => {
const { value, setValue } = useField({ type: "custom", name, value: initialValue });
const onChange = () => setValue(prev => ({ ...prev, a: "1" }));
return (
<button type="button" onClick={onChange}>
Change Value


const maxNumber10 = (nextValue, prevValue) => nextValue > 10 ? prevValue : nextValue;
const minNumber1 = (nextValue, prevValue) => nextValue <= 1 ? prevValue : nextValue;
const CustomInput = props => {
const fieldInputProps = useField({
type: "number",
name: "numberWithReducer",
reducers: [minNumber1, maxNumber10],
value: "1"
return <input {...fieldInputProps} />;


const email = value =>
!(value && !/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(value))
? undefined
: "Mail not Valid";
const required = value => (value && value.trim() !== "" ? undefined : "Required");
const CustomInput = props => {
const [status, validation] = useValidation([required, email]);
const fieldInputProps = useField({
type: "text",
touched: true,
name: "email",
return (
<input {...fieldInputProps} />
{status.error && <label>{status.error}</label>}