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Material UI - React Select


useForm() is a custom React hook that will return helpers and the current state of the form.

const { state, isValid, pristine, submitted, submitAttempts, reset, formStatus, dispatch } = useForm()


(helpers): object

An object that holds:

  • state: the current state of the entire form.
  • isValid: a boolean value indicating whether the form has passed all the validation constraints or not.
  • pristine: a boolean value indicating whether the form fields have been modified or not.
  • submitted: an integer which counts the number of times the form has been submitted with success.
  • submitAttempts: an integer which counts the total number of submission attempts.
  • reset: a helper function which resets the form's state to an initial State.
  • formStatus: a string indicating the form's status. Can be a status of: "ON_CHANGE", "ON_SUBMIT", "ON_RESET", "ON_INIT".
  • dispatch: a function used to update the form's state. It accepts object, which will be the new state of the form.
    dispatch(prev => ({ ...prev, newProp }))

Tip: formStatus can be imported => import { STATUS } from "usetheform".

Basic usage

import { Form, Input } from 'usetheform'
  • {} 0 keys

    Detailed Explanation:

    const Reset = props => {
    const { reset, pristine } = useForm();
    return (
    <button disabled={pristine} type="button" onClick={reset}>
    const Submit = props => {
    const { isValid } = useForm();
    return (
    <button disabled={!isValid} type="submit">
    const CounterSubmitAttempts = props => {
    const { submitAttempts } = useForm();
    return (