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CollectionFormFormContextPropsBasic usageReducersValidation - SyncValidation - AsyncInputPersistStateOnUnmountSelectTextArea
Material UI - React Select


A React component that provides a more in-depth context of the "Form".


onInit: function

  • A function invoked when the Form is initialized.
const onInit = (formState, isFormValid) => { // some operation }

onChange: function

  • A function invoked when any Form Field changes its value.
const onChange = (formState, isFormValid) => { // some operation }

onReset: function

  • A function invoked when the form has been reset to its initial State.
const onReset = (formState, isFormValid) => { // some operation }

onSubmit: function

  • A function invoked when the submit button has been pressed.
  • The function may return either a Promise or a boolean value of true/false.
const onSubmit = (formState) => { // some operation };
const onSubmit = (formState) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // some async operation });
  • Cases:
    • If the function returns a Promise which is resolved, it will increment the value named submitted.
    • If the function returns a boolean value true, or no return at all, it will increment the value named submitted.
    • If the function returns a Promise which is rejected, the value named submitted will not be incremented.
    • If the function returns a boolean value false, the value named submitted will not be incremented.
const { submitted, submitAttempts } = useForm();
  • It will be only invoked if your form passes all validations added at any level (Collections or Fields).
  • For each invocation, the value submitAttempts will be incremented.

initialState: object

  • It is a plain object that represents the initial state of the form.

reducers: array | function

(nextState, prevState) => nextState
  • An array whose values correspond to different reducer functions.
  • Reducer functions specify how the Form's state changes.

touched: boolean

  • Default value of false.

  • If true, sync validation messages will be shown but only when the event onBlur of any forms's field is triggered by a user action at any level of nesting.

Basic usage

import { useForm } from 'usetheform'
export const Form = ({ children }) => {
const { onSubmitForm } = useForm();
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmitForm}>
  • {} 0 keys


    import { FormContext, Input } from 'usetheform'
    • {} 0 keys

      Validation - Sync

      Validation at FormContext level:

      • touched=false: error messages will be shown on FormContext initialization and when any Field is edited.
      • touched=true: error messages will be shown when any Field at any level of nesting is touched/visited.
      import { FormContext, Input, Collection, useValidation } from 'usetheform'
      • {} 0 keys

        Validation - Async

        Async Validation for FormContext is triggered on the Submit event. The form submission is prevented if the validation fails. This means that the onSubmit function passed as a prop to the FormContext component will not be invoked.

        import { FormContext, Collection, Input, useAsyncValidation } from 'usetheform';
        • {} 0 keys

          Detailed Explanation:

          import { useForm } from 'usetheform'
          const Submit = () => {
          const { isValid } = useForm();
          return (
          <button disabled={!isValid} type="submit">
          export const asyncTestForm = ({ values }) =>
          new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          // it could be an API call or any async operation
          setTimeout(() => {
          if (!values || !values.a || !values.b) {
          reject("Emtpy values are not allowed ");
          if (values.a + values.b >= 5) {
          reject("The sum must be less than '5'");
          } else {
          }, 1000);